Thursday, October 30, 2008

Collection of New Works

Finally, I'm back! Really had a relaxing day as today is the last day of my kids' exams. Next, we'll be awaiting for the jittery moment for the release of the results. Time flies, it's approaching the end of the year again....

I've posted a collection of my new works for the past month or so. It has a combination of crystals, pearls, shells, rings. Will be creating more works. Keep a look-out:P

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Exam Fever.... Will Be Back Soon....

It has been sometime since I last posted something. No, I've not stopped creating jewelry. It's just that the exam fever is on! My kids exams are round the corner and I'm trying to stay focus in getting them/helping them in their revision.

When they were asleep, I create my jewelry, if inspiration comes and the mood is right - it's therapeutic! But I realised that inspiration comes more easily when the mind is not so tired and pressurized. So we'll see what happens these coming 3 weeks as the exams are approaching.....

5 earrings and 1 choker - that's what I've done last month but have not got time to post them on my blog. My hubby, usually hogs the laptop at night. He seems to have endless e-mails to clear, having just cleared them in office before coming back home less than 2 hrs ago. A bunch of workaholics indeed.

Do stay tuned and watch out for my post on 1 Nov 08. See ya!