Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Peranakan Museum

Lured by the free admission to the Peranaka Museum last weekend, I suggested to my kids' dad that we bring the kids to the museum. It was my first visit to a museum in Singapore (my very first visit to the museum was to the fabulous Lourve Museum in Paris).

The museum also had a display of 35 best preserved scupltures from Qingzhou Dynasty, supposedly one of the most stunning recent archaelogical discoveries in China. The pieces displayed are that of Buddha sculptures, a number had some parts chipped off.

The rest of the artefacts displayed are about the Peranakan culture. As a big fan of the local drama serials, 'Little Nonya', I was able to relate to some of the items displayed, such as those for wedding. It was indeed an eye-opener for us. My kids have enjoyed themselves too as there were some workshops for the kids.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clay Cartoons

Recently crazy over the Japanese clay cartoons that I saw. They are moulded into replicas of food. Looked so real, with vibrant colours and wonderful minute details. Bought a few and made them into earrings and I thought they looked really cute and funky. Have also made a mushroom pendant necklace for my daugther to go with her Chinese New Year outfit. More pics of the earrings are available in my etsy shop. Do feel free to browse.