Friday, June 26, 2009

Beaded Miniature Handbag - New!

Tried my hands on this beaded miniature handbag. It's quite time-consuming and eye-popping completing this piece as the handbag was crafted from tiny seed beads!

Felt a sene of achievement after completing it though. I was quite happy with the end product. U can even slot in a miniature item into the bag for the added surprise element!

Thought it can be made into a handphone charm or a necklace. What's your view?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Packaging That Keeps You Guessing

A good friend of mine bought us a souvenir from Guangzhou, China. The packaging looks like the 'dim sum' containers. Guess what's inside? It's actually some scented sticks with a holder. It comes in several scent. I've got the rose scented sticks.
I got to warn my children against putting the contents into their mouth in case they think that it's some preserved tidbits.
Creative packaging! I must say.